GAMATEC s.r.o.
IČ: 274 84 351
DIČ: CZ274 84 351

Registered office and factory
Lhota za Červeným Kostelcem 428
549 41 Červený Kostelec, Czech Republic

Company ID Number: 1010216261
Databox ID: yq77mve

Where to find us The registered office and factory are located on the premises of the INDUSTRIAL PARK ČERVENÝ KOSTELEC
GPS of porter: 50.478056N, 16.073333E
GPS of building: 50.4800017N, 16.0741525E
Google map

Our Team

Ing. Radek Joudal Company Executive (The CONSTRUCTION Division)
David Kopecký Business Manager (The TRADE Division)
Kateřina Hladíková Administration, Purchase, Shipping (The TRADE Division)
Ing. Petr Zelenka (The CONSTRUCTION Division)
Adam Joudal (The MANUFACTURE & ASSEMBLY Division)
Mgr. Martin Lukášek (The PLASTICS Division)
Michal Plachta (The ELECTRO Division)
Petr Geisler External implementation (The SERVICES Division)
Petr Horáček Injection moulding and CNC cutting plotter (The SERVICE Division)

Do not hesitate to contact us

Contact Addresses

Electronic invoices to be sent to:
Electronic orders to be sent to:
Electronic general information to be sent to:

Bank Details

Banka: Československá obchodní banka, a.s., pobočka Náchod
Kód banky: 0300

CZK: 199001448/0300
IBAN: CZ84 0300 0000 0001 9900 1448
EUR: 228115795/0300
IBAN: CZ36 0300 0000 0002 2811 5795